Neuromarketing in practice
How physical spaces can be used profitably in the digital age.
With the advent of digitalization, a large part of business deals has shifted to the digital space. There is often no absolute need for the customer to make the way to a branch for a purchase. However, physical spaces and face-to-face contacts offer decisive advantages, especially for customer loyalty and differentiation. Through a skilful approach of all five senses, emotionally very strong experiences can be created. In addition, the POS offer a chance for a scarce commodity: real personal contact.
Content overview:
1. Raiffeisen branch >
2. AGROLA TopShop >
3. Emotionalize your customer spaces too >
Case 1: Raiffeisen branch
To put Raiffeisenbank, bank topics and bankers on an equal footing with the customer – through new rituals and emotions never seen before in the banking world.
• The at-home feeling is the emotional core
• Innovation hub, on the other hand, does not match the desired emotions
• Learning, on the other hand, meets the emotional target – when charged by a personal touch
EmoMap©: It is not about the top, bottom, left or right – the distances between the individual research objects to the desire (GOLD STANDARD) are decisive. The further the distance between two pins, the more different the sensation.
• 5 minutes before the agreed consultation date: The customer advisor waits for the customer in the customer zone at the high desk (while working on a notebook)
• At the large screen, the customer and consultant “fly” over their own market area and discover together perhaps even the customer’s home
• At the bar, the customer advisor himself or herself (not an assistant!) prepares a cup of coffee, cappuccino or tea for the customer.
• These are all newly created rituals for a surprising customer experience on an equal footing
Case 2: AGROLA TopShop
To really emotionalize AGROLA’s gas station shops and help them to generate more revenue.
• Food is a highlight
• Bakery goods and coffee are desirable catering offers
• Regional references and rural attributes play a major role
EmoMap©: It is not about the top, bottom, left or right – the distances between the individual research objects to the desire (GOLD STANDARD) are decisive. The further the distance between two pins, the more different the sensation.
Changes in the look of the store, store layout, private label line and rituals based on concept inputs from ZUTT & PARTNER
Emotionalize your customer spaces too
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